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Use Plugins to Add Videos and Boost Your WordPress Article Performance

wordpress plugins for video


WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world. It has been an essential tool for content creators of all kinds of websites, from blogs to e-commerce stores. However, creating quality content is not enough. Your website has to catch the attention of your audience to keep them engaged and create a connection with your readers. One way to boost your WordPress website’s performance is by using videos. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of video content and how you can add them to your WordPress website to improve your article’s performance and user experience.

1. Why Video Content is Vital to Your Website

Video content is vital to your website because it is engaging, informative, and entertaining. Videos are more shareable than text or image content and can increase the user’s time spent on your website. Videos can also help you explain complex topics, making it easy for your audience to understand your message. Research shows that users are more likely to remember a message conveyed through video than images or text. Video content can also increase your website’s credibility by showcasing your expertise in your field or industry.

2. Why WordPress Plugins are Essential to Add Videos

WordPress plugins are essential to add videos to your website because they make the process simple, quick and efficient. There are thousands of plugins available, and you can easily find one that suits your needs. Plugins can help you with video editing, optimisation, and management. You can add video backgrounds, galleries, sliders, and even add call-to-actions to your videos. Some plugins allow you to embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo, and other popular video-sharing platforms without any coding.

3. Best WordPress Plugins for Videos

WP Video Editor, Lazy Load for Videos, and WP Video Popup are some of the best WordPress plugins for video content. WP Video Editor allows you to edit and customise videos, add visual and sound effects, and create animated videos. Lazy Load for Videos helps with website’s page loading time by only loading the video when the user clicks on it, making it more SEO friendly. WP Video Popup allows you to add videos to your website’s homepage, sidebar, and even pop-ups, making your content more interactive and engaging.

4. Tips to optimise your Videos

Optimising your videos can help improve their loading speed, ensuring they are of high quality and engaging. It is recommended to compress your videos before uploading them to your WordPress website. This can be done using video editing software or online video compressors such as Google Developer Page Speed, TinyPNG, or HDconvert. It can also help if you use a hosting provider with Content Delivery Network (CDN) such as Cloudflare to ensure that your videos are delivered quickly and audiences can enjoy them without buffering.

5. Importance of Video Analytics to Measure Engagement

Video analytics are crucial to measure your audience’s engagement with your video content. Analytics can help you to determine if your video is achieving its intended goals and how users engage with your content. By analysing the metrics, such as their playback time, where users stopped or replayed content, you can refine your video and make the most of it. There are several analytics tools available, such as Google Analytics, NewRelic, or Vimeo Analytics, that can help you track your video metrics.


In conclusion, adding videos to your WordPress article can improve your site’s visibility, engagement, quality, and conversion rates. Using WordPress plugins can help you to do it quickly, efficiently and effectively, making it highly recommendable for creative marketers, bloggers, and businesses. Remember to optimise your videos and analyse your metrics regularly to ensure maximum effectiveness. By incorporating these tips into your strategies, you can tap into the potential of video content and take your WordPress website to the next level.

How To Use WordPress Video Plugins To Improve Your Website

Now that we have looked at the importance of using plugins to add videos and boost the performance of your WordPress articles. So, let’s dive in and cover some of the reasons and methods that enable videos and plugins to get better results from a WordPress blog:

– Why Use Plugins for Video?

– Examples of Popular Plugins for Adding Videos

– Tips for Improving Your WordPress Site Through Video

#Why Use Plugins for Video?

Plugins are a great way to make the most of your WordPress site. They allow you to customize the look, feel, and functionality of your website with ease. When it comes to adding videos, they allow you to quickly insert them into posts or pages with very little effort. Plus, many plugins offer additional features, such as autoplay functionality or the ability to embed YouTube or Vimeo videos directly from the plugin’s dashboard.

#Examples of Popular Plugins for Adding Videos

When considering plugins for adding videos on your WordPress site, there is plenty of choice available. Here are some popular options:

JetPack – This plugin enables you to embed YouTube and Vimeo videos directly from the dashboard without having to manually enter code or HTML tags. It also offers various other features related to video playback and customizing the appearance of embedded videos.

WPBakery Page Builder – This plugin allows you to easily create custom layouts and embed YouTube and Vimeo videos with its drag-and-drop visual editor. It also provides a comprehensive set of customization options for each video, such as autoplay settings or advanced styling options.

Yoast SEO – Yoast SEO is an all-in-one SEO solution which includes a feature that helps optimize video content by automatically adding meta descriptions and keywords based on the content of the video itself. Additionally, it supports multiple types of media formats making it easy to include audio files in your posts as well as images and videos .

Advanced Responsive Video Embedder – This plugin makes it easy to add responsive video embeds from YouTube or Vimeo in any WordPress page or post without having to manually adjust width/height attributes in order for them display correctly on mobile devices. It also allows you to customize various aspects such as autoplay settings or whether related videos will be displayed at the end of playback .

Easy Video Player – Easy Video Player features an intuitive interface that makes it easy to upload MP4 files into posts which can then be embedded using shortcodes generated by the plugin itself . It also comes with several configuration options that let you control aspects such as whether playlists will be displayed when viewing embedded videos , if autoplay should be enabled , etc .

#Tips for Improving Your WordPress Site Through Video

Now that we’ve gone over some popular plugins used for adding video content onto WordPress sites , here are some tips that can help get more out of your web presence through video :

1) Optimize Your Videos For Mobile Devices – Being able to watch your videos seamlessly on any device is essential these days , so make sure that all your uploaded clips are optimized accordingly

2) Make Use Of Annotations & Captions – Annotations help draw attention towards specific parts within a clip while captions help viewers understand what’s being said regardless of their location (for instance if they’re hard at work in a quiet office )

3) Leverage Interactive Content– Leveraging interactive content can help keep viewers engaged throughout an entire clip . Options like questions , polls , quizzes , etc., can increase viewership times significantly

4) Add A Call To Action– If viewers have watched your entire clip up until its conclusion , giving them something extra like a special offer or discount code can inspire further engagement

5) Include Links To Relevant Resources– Pointing viewers towards other relevant resources either within clips themselves (via annotations) or at points in time outside those (e.g., during introductions ) encourages further exploration

By leveraging these tips alongside popular plugins mentioned above , improving user engagement levels through cleverly placed video content has never been easier ! To learn more about how best leverage these tools together , check out [10 Essential WordPress Video Plugins for Websites] which covers even more tips & tricks regarding getting better results from integrating video into your WordPress site .


Adding videos onto websites has become increasingly important over time due both its ability engage users but also thanks newer technologies allowing us do so with relative ease . Using popular plugins alongside incorporating smart tactics which leverage interactive elements & calls-to-action give us powerful ways improve our web presence & engage our users better than ever before !


How Can I Make Money Online?

How can I make money online

Do you want to make money online? Not sure where to make a start? Perhaps you have a product which you could sell online, or perhaps you have skills which you can trade for money in the online marketplace.

Many people’s first experience of making money online involves buying and selling through online auction sites. These offer a good opportunity to learn the art of online business, but take a cut of your money. A better way to make money online, if you can generate enough online publicity to support it, is through your own website. This means you can offer your product or service directly to the public or to other online businesses. All the money you make online this way will go directly to your business.

Another way to make money online is through an agency which can sell your product or service for you. This can be a good option if you want to concentrate on production rather than on online promotion and sales, so you can make money without having to worry about it. Depending on your area of expertise, there are many agencies dedicated to helping you make money online. How can you access them? Through an online search or by using online employment databases.

Whichever way you choose to make money online, what really matters is the quality of your product or service and how you present yourself online. You will make more money if you are confident in your skills and can give a good impression online. Take the time to get to know the online environment in which you hope to make money. In this way you can determine the level of online demand for your product or service. Soon you’ll be able to make money online as if you’d been doing it all your life!

Live Your Dream When You Find Out How To Make Money From Home

Make money online

Though it sounds too good to be true, there are many ways you can learn how to make money from home. There are plenty of websites that are chock full of ideas and programs for just this purpose. Some are even free, so get online and find out how you can stay at home and have the money rolling in.

Decide Where Your Talents Lie

Everybody is good at something, and you are sure to have some talent or skill that can help you to make money from home. Sometimes you don’t even need to have a skill, all you need is information. There are people who are willing to pay for what you know or what you can find out for them. This is one way that people are learning to make money from home.

If you are a creative person and think that you can make a success with writing, you can find so many ways to make money from home in this way. There are websites that are free to join for anyone who wants to make money from home in a freelance writing capacity. You can write content for websites, write for magazines, and create brochures and newsletters to name just a few of the writing jobs that require you only have proper grammar and a way with words.

Filling Out Surveys in Order to Make Money from Home

There are many people who swear by taking surveys online in order to make money from home. There are many companies that are more than willing to pay you in cash and rewards for helping them with their marketing campaigns. This is not the easiest nor fastest way to put money in your pocket, but there are those who are out there making a decent living by simply giving their opinions about upcoming or existing goods and services. Another plus to using surveys to make money from home is you will often be supplied with some of the company’s products complimentary in order for you to give them an informed opinion.

Use E-Bay to Become an Internet Mogul

E-Bay has become a phenomenon that allows people with products to sell to make lots of money. This is not a way to make money without working, if that is what you are looking for. Those who use E-Bay to sell goods online need to find the products they want to put on the market, set up an account and be ready willing and able to package and send the goods to their customers. There is much information about how to make money from home using E-Bay to do it, and you will be presented with a wide variety of ideas in order to get you started.

Stay at Home Moms

There are many work from home programs that are geared specifically to the stay at home mom. There are many ideas that will allow moms to work from home, make some money to contribute to the household and still be able to spend quality time with their children. There are many websites that cater to moms and you will be surprised at all the great ideas that have proven track records for those looking to make money from the comfort of their homes. You can choose from such jobs as sales, marketing, and travel to name just a few of the opportunities you will find available.OK  

How To Choose Affiliate Banners For Your Site

Internet affiliate marketing is a relatively recent concept, but internet affiliate marketing has often worked out quite well for many different business owners who have given affiliate marketing a try. Internet affiliate marketing often brings to mind ideas of affiliate marketing banners posted on one’s website, and although there are other ways of utilizing affiliate marketing, this is probably the most common.

If you are looking for affiliate marketing banners to place on your website, it is important that you try to pick the correct affiliate marketing banners. Some affiliate marketing banners are very colorful and full of graphics aimed at targeting your customer base, who may be interested in the affiliate marketing products or services. However, these involved affiliate marketing banners often do not produce very good affiliate marketing results. One of the reasons for this is because the affiliate marketing banner that is so full of color, fancy text, pictures, etc. can take too long to load on many computers, thus defeating the whole idea behind the affiliate marketing strategy. It may be more worth your affiliate marketing time and money to find affiliate marketing banners that are based around text. Many business owners who have used internet affiliate marketing have discovered that these text based affiliate marketing banners do not have any less of a click rate than other affiliate marketing banners. These text affiliate marketing links and banners are also probably less bothersome to your customers. It is also recommended that you be careful with the flashing affiliate marketing banners and blinking affiliate marketing banners. Although these affiliate marketing tools can sometimes cause more clicks from your affiliate marketing target audience, these affiliate marketing tools are also quite bothersome.

If there are affiliate marketing graphic ads that you decide to use as part of affiliate marketing strategies on your website, it will be wise to try to make sure that the affiliate marketing advertisement fits in with the theme colors and ideas of your site as much as possible. This will help the affiliate marketing enhance rather than distract from your own website. Affiliate marketing banners and affiliate marketing text links are definitely helpful for those interested in affiliate marketing.

The Biggest Secret That Will Guarantee Your Online Success

Until people understand that the internet is a new communication vehicle and not a new entertainment medium, success will continue to be elusive. The reason for this will become very clear as you read through this article.
It is not too difficult to see why many internet marketers insist that the World wide web is an entertainment medium – a development from TV. The typical person is more interested in the new offerings on the web that can entertain and less excited in the details of the enhanced communications capabilities this new phenomenon brings.
It is therefore not surprising to learn that the net is actually the first activity in over 40 years that has been clearly documented as something that causes people to spend less time watching TV. No wonder most people think of it as a substitute for TV.

But they have done this with disastrous consequences. Even as you read this, entrepreneurs all over the world continue to pump money into all sorts of advertising schemes on the net. Fascinating when you consider that the same people doing this hate to be interrupted by advertising when they’re surfing.
I find it much more useful to think of the net as an improvement on the telephone. Then everything makes sense and any promotion on the net works like magic.
People hate interruptions on the phone from telemarketers. They prefer to call and ask about a product they are interested in and then to place an order using the same telephone.
If you look at the Internet as an enhanced telephone, rather than try to advertise through it, you will seek to advertise elsewhere (offline) to direct the people to contact you (by visiting your web site or sending for details via email). That’s exactly the way it has worked with the telephone for decades.

Experts have already proved that although the web has not been a very successful advertising medium, it has increased advertising revenue for offline mediums like newspapers, magazines, radio and TV.
There is another very effective proven way of using this improvement-on-the-telephone medium to promote your business, and it works much better than advertising. It is by cashing in on the way most people use the internet. For years the telephone has been a valuable instrument for getting information. People looking for information have frequently made a few calls to get the info that they are looking for.
Being an improved telephone, the net makes that even easier. You use a search engine or you visit a web site and get all the information you want. You rarely look for information in online advertisements.
So what better way to attract attention to your offering than to provide lots of useful free articles packed with information that your target market may be looking for?

And the advantage of doing this online is huge. Offline PR articles will hardly carry the full contact or address of where the business or service being written about can be found. Online, a resource box will not only include contact information, but it can also have an enticing special offer or opportunity for the reader to seek more information via email. This way an article writing business easily and effortlessly builds up a valuable opt in contacts list. The list can be contacted later with information, updates and all sorts of interesting offers.
Having realized that the quality of their content is the key to success, web sites have been grappling for a low cost solution to keeping their content interesting, fresh and informative. They seem to have found the answer in offering to post articles free on their site. More and more web sites do that these days.

And more and more smart businesses need to take full advantage of this to get out the word over the net about their offerings.
One more aspect has rendered free article posting extremely effective. It is as a result of the fact that there is really very little well written material around, so any well written piece will quickly enjoy an amazing viral effect.
Here is how it happens. Most of the sites that post these free articles target web sites and ezine publishers who download and use these articles. Many of the web sites that do this in turn also allow others to download and use the same material. All with one condition, that they do not edit the article and that they leave the resource box intact.
The result is that a single article finds it way around the net to dozens of sites and ends up being seen by thousands and ultimately hundreds of thousands of persons interested in the subject written about and therefore very interested in the sort of products marketed by the person who wrote the article.
That is exactly how you make full use of the power of the net to advertise effectively online – and it’s free.

Affiliate Marketing starting off in the world of E-Commerce

So you have a website but its only displaying your information you created at the moment, which could be on anything and any subject. So you think I need to do more than just my business on this website and then you open up a whole realm of possibilities. You have to think about a real world shop for example your paper shop that you may go to in the morning will be mainly selling papers but will also probably have adverts in the window. So from this example you can see that although he is doing his main business from selling papers he is also renting out advertising space.

You need to view your website in the same manner either you are selling something yourself you may also want to put other ads that complement your website and bring in extra income from this. The main thing to decide is how you are going to go about doing this there are two main methods there are providing context based ads from people like Google, Yahoo, and MSN there are general affiliates that you have to look for. There is already a lot of information about contextual based advertising and I can recommend that if you are website owner that looking around will unearth a lot of videos many of which are probably the best source of information.

As for affiliate marketing the two of the biggest players are commission junction and clickbank, there is also shareasale and you can go to their respective websites and get an account and before delving into just whacking up ads anywhere, sit down plan your web page. Look at Google’s hot spot in there help file for advertisement placement you need a google account to access this but it s not that hard to get one. Clickbank, commission junction and shareasale have extensive help to get you started on the road to affiliate marketing and I know that it is well worth the time in planning and maybe doing a dummy run just to see how the ads and affiliates work and getting an understanding of the programs involved.

This is not a get rich quick system it’s more of a steady method of generating extra income from your website without putting a great deal of effort in. When entering this market also remember there are some major players in this field who generate large sums of income from these methods but they don’t do this by trial and error. The main thing to remember is that when you have a method that works stick to it as long as possible. The affiliate marketing game or business is very fast changing field of opportunities and you may be lucky to hit a particular niche to be very successful you have to look at new trends and do a lot of research on a wide range of subjects. I have been in the affiliate marketing business around three years now and I’m still surprised by the speed of changes to what is hot and where did the traffic come from. You need to arm yourselves with the best tools available but it’s not easy to get advice on what will suit your needs. Keep up-to-date with the newsletters provided by commission junction and click bank and you can’t go too far wrong. I wish you success in the fields of Internet marketing.

How To Make Money Online With Different Techniques

Although there are some ways to make money online without a website or product, just like making money online with Google AdWords PPC Campaigns, email marketing, in addition to that you also have facebook, instagram, twitter, tik tok, reddit quora and other social media marketing types. We still have to admit that we are powerful and potential with a business website. Most entrepreneurs these days think getting a website and some product to sell online is a great way to make money, also, most advertisers make it seem quite easy with all the bells, whistles, promises and the marketing tools they present.

Making money online in the comforts of your own home is a dream come true for anyone with the desire to get out of the everyday 9-5 routine. You can make lots of money with online advertising, as this is one of the high risers for ways to make money online. If you are still at a loss with what you want to sell, because your interests cannot be turned into profit making products that you can sell online, it is a good idea to consider selling the products of someone else to make money online.

Now, you’re probably asking yourself: “Can I make money online by selling products and, in the same time, keep the scam artist away? While it is time consuming and can take over as a full-time job for many people, having a work at home job has the best potential to make money online. After all the promises and the marketing “mumbo jumbo” about making money online with website that people just click and spend, after all the explanation of creating content that holds the viewers, after all the work to get the information out to potential customer you wind up with nothing.

One of the effective ways to solve this problem is to look at joining a group of like minded individuals or looking to find a mentor who has been successful at making money online. Either of these can be found on different sites around the web

Now I will be the first to admit that some of those sites are just plain garbage and most of them are affiliate links to the few hundred marketing gurus that have the market flooded with information, software and online money making idea that all promise the way to the golden nugget. Some of the other methods to make smaller amounts of money online are affiliate marketing on a smaller scale, getting paid to drive, getting paid to shop, and getting paid to take surveys. Now you know the best route to take, the methods that put the successful where they are today and the real investments that you should be applying, to make money online. If you are looking for an easy way to make quick money online, there is no doubt that Internet marketing is the best choice. As you can see, finding out what the best way to make money online is not as easy as you would think. Making money online is possible and if you have the desire to do so, you will succeed if you have a definite plan.


So what is Internet Marketing. Well In a nutshell, it is the sale and marketing of digital products and services. The most well known area in internet marketing is Affiliate Marketing, where based on your sales of products owned by companies or businesses you can make affiliate commissions. In addition to this there is also Video Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Content Creation and a quite a few other methods that are easily learnt if you are able to get the correct training.


This method is a lot better known where people sell Physical products they own or they sell for the manufactures and make a profit doing it. This method is tried and tested, and while it is a bit more expensive to start with than Internet Marketing, it is a lot better known and it has a lot of people doing it so you are able to find quite a few people who can mentor you and groups where you can learn from so that you can find solutions to the challenge of finding the right method or methods to help you achieve success.


There are other methods some of which I do not know very much about so I will not recommend them but non the less, The potential to make money online exists and you can definitely make a good living doing it irrespective of the competition or what people who have never tried it might say.